Licorice the Root Of the Amazon's Power
Phytoestrogenic action of licorice among Scythian population was
exhibited distinctly in the
phenomenon of Enarees feminized Scythian men mentioned by Herodotus in his passage on the pillage of the temple of Celestial Venus in Syrian city Ascalon:
Histories, I, 105
Hippocrates described this phenomenon in more details in part
22 of his work On Airs, Waters, and Places.
In this regard it's very significant that, according to Jonathan
Tolman, level of phytoestrogens in legumes in higher in drought years! So,
in the Amazonian regions level of the licorice phytoestrogens ought to be
Thus, Ancient Amazons had happily saved estrogenic properties of licorice from reduction.
But on the other hand just estrogenic properties of licorice allowed the Amazon
to be such.
In a
wonderful way, this herb suits very well to the symptoms of the common
female hormonal disturbance, like a key does its lock. In addition it
tastes sweet, which women love.
addition, licorice tastes sweet, which women just like. See some cognitive resources on licorice by:
So I highly recommed you locorice as the herb It's significant that he other Amazonian regions, namely Cappadocia, Libya,
and Aegean islands are arid too. Therefore we can assume the female health and the physical strength of those Amazons was based on action licorice or other plants able to prevent the loss of water.
In case of Lybian Amazons there are reasons to suppose that thier health was resulted from the use pomegranate, which has ability to retent water and grew in the Libyan area in oasises.
In confirmation to the last statement the following facts can be adduced.
Further, Romans called pomegranate malum punicum where malum 'apple' is usual denomination of a fruit, and punicum means 'from Phoenicia' or rather 'from Carthage' (Phoenician colony in Northern Africa, near Libya).