Anatomy Of Female Psyche
Now the knowledge of the common female hormonal disturbance and female permanent fertility clues us in on this problem. First off, we don't doubt that the qualities attracting women must be positive because we ourselves like positive qualities in women. It is the sexual selection, which must give advantages to the best individuals. However, being subjected to the hormonal disturbance, women misuse their part of sexual selection, and barter it away on ephemeral psychological relief from their physiological condition. In this way women cause the accumulation of bad mutations in human race in his way, and conduct sexual mis-selection instead. One chooses friends like oneself, and accordingly our ill women sympathize with, favor and select mediocre, bad-natured, emotional fellows with physical deficiencies or psychological problems. By the way, attractive females free in their choice choose also female friends of such sort. And when women’s problems are determined by the hormonal disturbance, the men’s ones are caused either by bad psychological impact of women or, in the worst case, by genetic mutations. So, suffering certain heart problems women like heart-diseased men and further congenital heart disease in this way. The following two characteristic cases from my acquaintances' lives exemplify this inclination of women. I knew closely a nervous fellow who called me "metallic-hearted" in a minute of the frankness. He had served 5 of his 24 years in prison. I often mused over the causes of his irritability, but the main cause was discovered suddenly.
It seems to be significant that the cardiac glycosides-containing herb Pheasant’s Eye is named Adonis vernalis in latin after a mythological lover of the goddess Venus.
Cardiac glycosides are often used to treat some congenital heart defects. Another congenital disease of this sort is congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It is characterized by a deficiency in the corticoid hormones just like female common hormonal disturbance. That causes inability to cope with a regular stress properly in the people suffering the hyperplasia. A stress hurts such people. However, there are natural remedies that increase the overall resistance to all types of stress and are able to solve that problem in this way. They are called adaptogens and include licorice the herb curing the common female hormonal disturbance. At present I have an opportunity to observe prominent benefits of licorice in a young man who I should reckon as irritable and quick-tempered. Under the influence of very little amounts of licorice his Irritability disappears completely and he obviousy enjoys his present health. Adaptogens are usually viewed as treatments for extraordinary stress and fatigue. However, they should also be a kind of vitamins for people failing to cope with regular stersses. Besides, congenital adrenal hyperplasia is characteriz by hypersecretion of testosterone the inductor of sex drive. Women prefer such men as those depend on women much more, which women like, of course. That looks like a shifted sexual draft: extra from male side at meager in the opposite direction. One-way street suits well as a comparison for this sort of such relationships. Being deficient, women clearly appreciate such men's harassment as it gives them feeling of their own dignity and value they lack, being deficient and craving the recognition. Like women, such men are captives of their own physiology. In addition they are firmly tied to women, but to all women!
They tend to consider only men of this type who really are likely 'polygamous' owing to their hypersexuality and fickleness. Also when women talk about the entire male race' brute lechery they surely consider just such type of men. At the same time, women tend to ignore normal 'monogamous' men and reckon them as indifferent to the opposite sex, while just women themselves are such in point of a fact. Women ascribe every possible virtue to men deficient like themselves while healthy men's true virtues only excite female jealousy and cause the same heart pain in them as a result. At the same time, women escape really clever, cheerful, canny, independent men who enjoy their lives while women suffer and who will not allow exploiting themselves for nourishing insane desires of women. By the way, small wonder that women who are unable to stay calm because of their heart itch, choose men workaholics. Also, being next to men with hypersecretion of testosterone, women feel more feminine. In other words, the under-feminine women feel much surer, when they are compared with the men who are over-virile owing the excessive virilizing action of extra amounts of testosterone. This shifted gender difference holds the proper distance between two sexes. Small wonder that daughters of such men come out yet less feminine and yet less healthy as the symptoms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia reveal!
Having underdeveloped forms and strongly craving admiration of milieu, women avoid the self-consciousness about their appearance women often prefer unsightly men. In this way they secure their future daughters even bigger problems of the same kind because such men can't father pretty females. Moreover, having their hips and breast characteristics underdeveloped and bodily charm fading, women seemingly believe facial beauty to be such a characteristic instead.
Didn't you ever hear as a woman paid a pretty little boy such a "compliment":
Do you still wonder why so many females should have been born "as boys?"
Simply, men appreciate beautiful women while the latter appreciate deficient men. And this is a real gender difference. Moreover, women not only prefer bad men, they also reproach men with selectiveness and preference to clever and beautiful women and with disdain towards women of low dignity. However, they themselves are way not less selective, but they appreciate bad men. Thus, women act as enemies of everything sound and beautiful in human, under pressure of the common female hormonal disturbance. After all that, the comparison of two sexes to two different biological species seems to embody some truth. Women actually behave as though they belong to a different biological species.
Furthermore, being in continue troubles, women gloat over other people's suffering, and support such people out of false charity and compassion. However, such charity and compassion converts into its opposite where cheerful people needing nobody's pity are concerned. Women, position looks sometimes like consecutive egalitarian or socialist philosophy. However, it is based evidently on mere emotions: jealousy towards cheerful people and schadenfreude about others in need. Women can dislike people who have achieved their prosperity by honest ways, and approve criminals.
The inclination of women towards criminals can stupefy sometimes with the ugly forms they take.
So-called Stockholm syndrome exemplifies this pattern with a special
prominence. It is
named after a criminal incident, which took place in Stockholm, Sweden in August
1973. Here is a short account compiled by me from varied web sources.
See details and photos: 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Another impressive case took place in Berkeley, California in 1974, when Patty Hearst, 19-year-old granddaughter of a newspaper tycoon was kidnapped and tortured by terrorists of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). In the caption she took up arms and joined her captors' cause, and, later, assisted them in a banks robbery.
Nevertheless, it's very hard to imagine how one can
sympathize with persons whose malignant nature is so obvious. Perhaps, it is
possible when you realize that you are alike. And, really, don't women behave as tormentors and extortionists?
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Without doubt, human species are a result of the evolution, and apes and Co are our biological relatives.
But all these could not be our ancestors. Conversely, all things considered they are results of degeneration of human being caused by sexual mis-selection. So, apes are much less
intelligent, much more aggressive and emotional, and not very pretty.
Also male apes are hypersexual and polygamous. Female delight, in shorts
There are some surprising features of apes which compel to think them to originate from humans.
The most prominent features of this sort is apes' latent power of speech. Apes have been found to be able to acquire human sign language
and to express with it astonishingly human-like thoughts.
For the further information see following resources:
Owing to the gradual progress of the technology, the pressure of the wild
environment became increasingly weak, and therefore the degree of the degeneration became increasingly low. As a result we have the illusion of progressive development of humanity.
In the wild nature there is no force able to make human being from an ape. Conversely, there is at least one force able to perform the opposite metamorphosis. It is the female hormonal disturbance which compels women to conduct the sexual mis-selection.
And this is all the
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